September 29, 2024
In Germany, they told how many Ukrainian refugees there are with jobs thumbnail

In Germany, they told how many Ukrainian refugees there are with jobs

In Germany, more Ukrainian refugees began to find work, German Minister of Labor Hubertus Heil said.”, — write:

In Germany, more Ukrainian refugees began to find work, German Minister of Labor Hubertus Heil said.

“European Truth” writes about this, reports DPA.

According to Labor Minister Hubertus Gail, in September 8,500 citizens of Ukraine were employed in the primary labor market, completed training or engaged in self-employment. This is more than twice as many as in September 2023.

“These numbers show that Job Turbo is clearly working,” the minister emphasized, referring to the initiative aimed at integrating refugees into the labor market.

Despite the difficult economic conditions, in July 2024, about 266,000 of the 700,000 Ukrainians of working age who came to Germany were working. About 213,000 of them paid social insurance contributions.

Of those currently employed, 53,000 have found small, part-time jobs, despite difficulties adapting to the new environment.

According to the head of the Federal Employment Agency, Andrea Nales, the labor market is currently not very receptive to Ukrainians. Still, the trend is moving in the right direction, Nales said.

One of the obstacles, however, remains the confusion with the authorization procedures for the recognition of professional qualifications in Germany. In addition to problems with the recognition of professional qualifications, language is currently a limiting factor in the employment process.

However, according to Ms. Nales, programs are already being implemented, for example, on language learning at the workplace, i.e. after starting work.

We will remind, recently in Germany started talking on reducing aid to refugees from Ukraine.

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz called on hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians who found refuge in the country to get a job

Commissioner of the German government for the integration of refugees in the labor market, Daniel Terzenbach came out in defense of monetary assistance for Ukrainian refugees.

European truth

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