September 29, 2024
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine expressed disappointment with the decision of the International Federation of the Red Cross regarding the Russian Red Cross thumbnail

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine expressed disappointment with the decision of the International Federation of the Red Cross regarding the Russian Red Cross

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine expressed disappointment with the decision of the International Federation of the Red Cross regarding the Russian Red Cross. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine expressed disappointment with the decision of the IFRC regarding the Russian Red Cross. Ukraine criticizes the lack of assessment of the illegal activities of the RCH in the temporarily occupied territories and the disregard of the resolutions of the UN General Assembly.”, — write on:

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine expressed disappointment with the decision of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies regarding the Russian Red Cross. This was reported by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine UNN.


In its commentary, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs notes that the adopted decision lacks a critical assessment of the illegal activities of the RCH in the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine – in Donetsk, Luhansk, Kherson, Zaporizhzhia regions, as well as in Crimea.

The Ukrainian side has repeatedly emphasized that the activities of the RCH in these territories grossly violate the Constitution and laws of Ukraine, as well as international law. In addition, such actions contradict the principles of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, in particular the principle of unity, which provides for the presence of only one national society in each country, which must respect its territorial integrity.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs also emphasized that the decision of the IPCH ignores the resolutions of the UN General Assembly, which call on the international community not to recognize the Russian annexation of Ukrainian territories as a terrorist act. Particular attention is drawn to the lack of reaction to the activities of the so-called “Donetsk” and “Luhansk” Red Crosses, which cooperate with the occupation authorities of the Russian Federation and are supported by the Russian Red Cross.

The Ukrainian side has repeatedly provided the international community with evidence of the illegal activities of the RCH, in particular, the seizure of Ukrainian resources and property in the occupied territories.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs emphasized that the Red Cross Society of Ukraine is the only official organization operating throughout Ukraine within internationally recognized borders. Regional centers in Donetsk and Luhansk continue to work, although they were forced to leave the occupied territories due to threats from the Russian administration.

Ukraine called on the ICRC to continue monitoring the situation and provide fair assessments of the illegal activities of the Russian Red Cross. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs also noted that violations of international law by the RCH cause serious reputational damage to the entire Federation, and this undermines the credibility of its humanitarian mission, which depends on strict adherence to the principles of neutrality and independence.

Lubinets accused the Red Cross of abetting Russian aggressionApril 28, 2024, 04:07 am • 61501 views

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