September 29, 2024
The National Bank has started an official inspection of Polyarush, who threatened to kill a military officer thumbnail
Ukraine News Today

The National Bank has started an official inspection of Polyarush, who threatened to kill a military officer

The National Bank launched an official investigation into Polyarush, who threatened to kill a military officer. The police opened criminal proceedings for threats to kill and inflict bodily harm.”, — write on:

The National Bank of Ukraine has started an official investigation into the conflict between Pavel Polyarush, the head of the Department for Work with Problem Assets of the National Bank of Ukraine, and Belarusian volunteer Andriy Tratsevskiy (Immortal), during which the official threatened with reprisals, writes UNN.


Belarusian volunteer Andriy Tracevskyi (Bezsmertnyi) said that he was threatened by the drunken head of the NBU’s Troubled Asset Management Department, Pavlo Polyarush.

He threatened to shoot a military volunteer in the legs. Polyarush, a possibly drunk NBU official, got into a scandalSeptember 27, 2024, 07:22 • 11565 views

The incident happened on the road near one of the capital’s housing complexes. According to him, Polerush jumped out from under the wheels of the soldier, blocked the traffic, started fighting and said that he would shoot his legs with a prize weapon. Polarush denied everything. In another video published by the military, it can be seen that during the inspection of Polyarush’s car, the police officers found an object very similar to a gun. According to Tratsevskyi, Polyarush allegedly declared that he would “buy everyone” and told law enforcement officers that “all Belarusian volunteers will either go back to Belarus or kneel in Pokrovsk.” Videos from the scene went viral on social networks and caused outrage among users. They demand a response from the NBU leadership to this incident.

Where is the NBU’s reaction? In social networks, they demand the dismissal of the official of the National Bank who threatened a military volunteer with a weapon while drunk September 27, 2024, 11:13 am • 9371 views

The Kyiv police informed UNN that they opened criminal proceedings under the articles of “threat to kill” and “inflicting minor bodily harm”, and also drew up a report against Polyarush for driving a car while intoxicated. In addition, the law enforcement officers confirmed that they seized a weapon from the official.

Police opened criminal proceedings due to NBU official Polyarush’s threats to kill a military volunteerSeptember 27, 2024, 08:01 • 88394 views

Having received information about an incident involving an employee of the NBU, which was not related to the performance of professional duties and during non-working hours, the National Bank turned to law enforcement agencies to obtain reliable data regarding its circumstances and, on the instructions of the Chairman of the NBU, began its own official inspection, which is ongoing

We will remind

According to the media, they want to appoint Polyarush as the managing director of the Fund for Guaranteeing Deposits of Individuals. He is a favorite of the National Bank, whose representatives are members of the Administrative Council of the Federal Federal Fund for Economic and Social Development, which conducts relevant personnel changes. It is not excluded that Polyarusha can also support the Office of the President, because the deputy head of the OP Iryna Mudra is his common-law wife.

Earlier, journalists found out that Polyarush repeatedly traveled abroad after the beginning of the large-scale invasion of the Russian Federation into Ukraine . In particular, journalists reported that in November 2022, he received permission to leave the country from the odious ex-deputy minister of defense, who is currently suspected of corruption crimes. The permit was allegedly issued to Polarush to travel abroad in a luxury Lexus car for humanitarian aid. At the same time, on what grounds Polyarush traveled abroad from February to November 2022, it is not yet known.

Member of the Committee of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on Transport and Infrastructure, Mykola Velichkovych believes that , that the law enforcement officers should deal with Polyarush’s trips abroad. And the member of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on National Security and Defense Gennady Kasai does not exclude -dolzhnost-rukovoditelya-fgvfl—nardep , that because of this, Polyarush may have problems during the special inspection as a candidate for the position of managing director of the Deposit Guarantee Fund of Individuals.

At the same time, people’s deputies and experts interviewed by UNN emphasize that the election of the new head of the Individual Deposit Guarantee Fund should be transparent and open. And one of the main selection criteria, along with professionalism, should be the candidate’s crystal clear business reputation.

It is very important – an impeccable reputation. This is key. It is important that this person has a decent reputation, is clearly a specialist and a patriot of Ukraine, and does not represent the interests of someone else

The Council named the main requirements for a candidate for the position of head of the Deposit Guarantee FundAugust 27, 2024, 08:16 • 73099 views

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