September 29, 2024
The Ministry of Health has decided who will be prescribed medical cannabis thumbnail

The Ministry of Health has decided who will be prescribed medical cannabis

Medicines based on medical cannabis will be available only with a doctor’s electronic prescription.”, — write:

Medicines based on medical cannabis will be available only with a doctor’s electronic prescription.

Now Ukrainians can get a prescription for cannabis if their disease is on the list / UNIAN collage, photo ua.depositphotos.comNow Ukrainians can get a prescription for cannabis if their disease is on the list / UNIAN collage, photo ua.depositphotos.comThe Ministry of Health has defined a list of diagnoses for which medicinal cannabis can be prescribed. This was reported by the press service of the ministry.

The Ministry of Health has determined the specifics of the prescription and use of medical cannabis drugs produced in a pharmacy. The list of diseases and conditions for which they will be prescribed has also been approved. It is noted that the list is based on the most up-to-date research and evidence of effectiveness, and it will be periodically revised as new research evidence becomes available.

Medicines based on medical cannabis can be obtained only with an electronic prescription from a “primary” doctor or a doctor who provides specialized medical care. Data on such appointment will be entered into the electronic health care system (EHS).

Medicinal cannabis can be prescribed if the patient suffers from chronic or neuropathic pain and/or spasticity caused by the following diseases:

  • malignant neoplasms;
  • diabetic neuropathy;
  • multiple sclerosis;
  • damage to the trigeminal and facial nerves;
  • neuralgia due to shingles;
  • damage to nerve roots and plexuses;
  • compression of nerve roots and plexuses in diseases;
  • mononeuropathy of the upper limb;
  • mononeuropathy of the lower limb;
  • polyneuropathies and other lesions of the peripheral nervous system;
  • cerebral palsy and other paralytic syndromes;
  • spinal cord injuries;
  • intracranial injuries.

Such drugs can also be prescribed for nausea and vomiting due to chemotherapy during the treatment of neoplasms, for Parkinson’s disease, de la Tourette’s syndrome, for refractory (drug-resistant) epilepsy. It is also about diseases that cause convulsive attacks in childhood: Lennox-Gastaut syndrome, Dravet syndrome, tuberous sclerosis.

Cannabis medicines will also be prescribed for weight loss associated with anorexia in patients with human immunodeficiency virus disease. And in case of other diseases, only if there is a conclusion of the medical and advisory commission.

The Ministry of Health notes that, in general, we are talking about cases when the use of other drugs does not ensure the achievement of the expected therapeutic effect or causes side reactions that are poorly tolerated by the patient.

The dosage and mode of taking the medicinal product based on cannabis will be determined by the doctor individually, taking into account the patient’s age, weight, state of health, concomitant diseases and other factors.

The Ministry of Health reported that such drugs can also be prescribed to children, but only on the condition that the ratio of cannabidiol to tetrahydrocannabinol in them is more than 20:1, and the maximum daily dose does not exceed 25 mg/kg of body weight.

At the same time, medicines based on medical cannabis are not prescribed to pregnant and lactating women (in the case of using medicines with tetrahydrocannabinol); patients with a known or suspected personal or family history of schizophrenia or another psychotic disorder, as well as if the patient has severe personality disorders (except for depression associated with the underlying disease).

Contraindications include hypersensitivity to cannabinoids or any other excipient of the medicinal product. For patients with moderate or severe liver dysfunction, prescribing cannabis medicinal products is not recommended, or it is allowed under the condition of reducing the dosage.

According to the Ministry of Health, the use of cannabis-based medicine should be stopped if the desired therapeutic effect is not obtained within 4-12 weeks or in case of serious side effects (including those related to mental state).

Legalization of cannabis in UkraineAs UNIAN reported, on December 21, 2023, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine voted for the law on the legalization of medical cannabis. The law entered into force on August 16, 2024.

The law, in particular, determines that the circulation of hemp for medical purposes, products of its processing, cannabis plant substance is allowed for educational purposes, educational, scientific and scientific and technical activities, production (manufacturing) of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and drugs for further use in medical practice, provided control and traceability are ensured at all stages of such circulation.

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