September 29, 2024
Suspicion was announced against the former director of the plant who stole 36 million for the purchase of spare parts for combat aircraft thumbnail

Suspicion was announced against the former director of the plant who stole 36 million for the purchase of spare parts for combat aircraft

The ex-director of the defense enterprise and his accomplices, who stole more than UAH 36 million for the purchase of spare parts for the Armed Forces aircraft, received suspicion. According to the SBU, its counter-intelligence together with the Security Intelligence Service and in cooperation with the management of Ukroboronprom uncovered new episodes of appropriation of budget funds for the purchase of components for combat aircraft of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. We are talking about a criminal scheme that the law enforcement officers eliminated”, — write on:

The ex-director of the defense enterprise and his accomplices, who stole more than UAH 36 million for the purchase of spare parts for the Armed Forces aircraft, received suspicion.

According to the SBU, its counter-intelligence together with the Security Intelligence Service and in cooperation with the management of Ukroboronprom exposed new episodes of appropriation of budget funds for the purchase of components for combat aircraft of the Armed Forces.

We are talking about a criminal scheme that law enforcement officers eliminated in December 2023 at one of Ukraine’s defense enterprises.

At that time, the ex-director of the plant was exposed for embezzling at least 4 million UAH during the purchase of modules for radar systems for Ukrainian fighter jets.

So far, the law enforcement officers have documented an additional 32 million hryvnias, which the suspect and his accomplices took “into the shadows”.

Thus, the total amount of damages caused to the state is more than UAH 36 million.

According to the case materials, the scheme consisted in accepting on the company’s balance sheet known defective parts that were supplied to the plant by “their” companies. At the same time, the funds paid for these defective parts were then transferred to cash and distributed among the participants of the “scheme”.

Currently, the ex-director of the state-owned enterprise (in absentia), his former deputy, six managers of controlled companies and two more of their accomplices have been notified (in accordance with the crimes committed) of suspicion under the following articles of the Criminal Code of Ukraine:

▪️ ch. 2, 3 Art. 255 (creation, management of a criminal community or criminal organization, as well as participation in it);

▪️ Part 4 Art. 28, Part 5 of Art. 191 (appropriation, embezzlement of property or possession of it by abuse of official position in particularly large amounts, committed by a criminal organization);

▪️ Part 4 Art. 28, Part 1 of Art. 366 (official forgery of official documents, introduction of knowingly false information to official documents, committed by a criminal organization);

▪️ Part 4 Art. 28, Part 3 of Art. 209 (legalization (laundering) of property obtained by criminal means in particularly large amounts, committed by a criminal organization).

Perpetrators face up to 13 years in prison with confiscation of property.

The former head of a state-owned enterprise is hiding from justice outside of Ukraine. Comprehensive measures are underway to bring him to justice for the crimes committed.

Previously, the Security Service of Ukraine prevented the theft of components for aircraft of the Armed Forces in the amount of more than UAH 10 million.

Confiscated components for Su-27 aircraft will be transferred to the needs of the Armed Forces. Boxes with spare parts were discovered in March 2024 among the luggage in a passenger bus heading from Chernivtsi to Italy.

⚡️⚡️⚡️All insider information and current information on our Telegram channel, as well as bonuses and fast news.

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