September 27, 2024
War statistics

Hundred-year-old “Achilles” drones: defenders repelled a powerful Russian armored assault in the Kupyansk direction

The video of the repulse of the assault by half a hundred units of enemy armored vehicles was released in the Achilles air defense missile battalion of the 92nd separate assault brigade named after Koshov…”, — write on:

Read for: 4 min. September 27, 2024, 12:35 p.m

Screenshot from the video Yesterday, in the area of ​​Pischany, the Russian invaders tried to break through the positions of the Defense Forces with a powerful armored fist. In the assault in the direction of Kolesnykyvka and Kruglyakivka, the enemy threw about 50 units of equipment with landing forces.

The video of the repulse of the assault by half a hundred units of enemy armored vehicles was released in the Achilles air defense missile battalion of the 92nd separate assault brigade named after the head of the army Ivan Sirk.

An exclusive comment on the repulse of the enemy assault was provided by Anton Shmagailo, the commander of the first shock company of the “Achilles” BPAK battalion, to ArmyInform:

“The enemy used more than 50 units of armored and lightly armored vehicles – mainly tanks sheathed with steel frames (so-called “sheds”). All equipment is equipped with a large number of EW devices and additional protection against drones.

The enemy’s plan remains unchanged – a breakthrough to the Oskil River. Assault columns advanced almost continuously for 10 hours.

No positions were lost in the zone where the “Achilles” 92nd OShBr battalion operates, and the line of battle is unchanged. The unit destroyed 14 and damaged 26 units of military equipment.

In total, more than 30 units of armored vehicles were destroyed by the Defense Forces as part of repelling the assault.”

So, the Russian onslaught failed to get past the hundred-eyed hekatoncheir-“Achilles” – the battalion’s victors destroyed and hit 40 units of military equipment.

14 units of enemy equipment were destroyed:

  • 5 BMP
  • 3 tanks
  • 1 armored personnel carrier
  • 1 MTLB
  • 2 “Urals”
  • 1 “Loaf”
  • 1 quad bike

Another 26 units of enemy equipment are damaged:

  • 10 tanks
  • 10 BMP
  • 1 BREM
  • 3 MTLB
  • 1 BREM
  • 1 “Ural”

Battalion commander Captain Yury Fedorenko commented on the repulse of the enemy assault with the massive use of armored vehicles on the air of the national telethon “Yedini Novyni”.

– During the period of service, which is almost two and a half years, we have been fighting since the first day of a full-scale war, the first time in my memory when the enemy launched such a massive assault. This shows that the enemy has a task, despite the loss of manpower and equipment, to try to increase their capabilities and efforts as much as possible, particularly in the Kupyan region, he said.

The commander of the drones expressed his admiration for the coordinated interaction of various units of the Defense Forces.

— I have to say frankly, I am fascinated by the Defense Forces — from the assignment of the senior commander to the communication between the brigades that keep the tone. And also by the joint execution of combat missions — when one detected, the second escorted, the third struck. The combined fire effect of artillery, anti-tank weapons and, of course, unmanned systems — those that help us identify the enemy and inflict fire damage on him, said the military officer.

The officer told how much enemy equipment and exactly how the soldiers of the Defense Forces of Ukraine managed to destroy it.

Only during the repulse of this assault, the “Achilles” battalion managed to destroy 14 units of enemy equipment of various types yesterday. In particular, most of the equipment that took part in the shock-assault operations was destroyed by the defense forces due to the combined fire impact. The opponent had no success at all, he said.

Separately, Yuriy Fedorenko explained the components of the success of the defenders of Ukraine both in this separate battle and during the repulsion of Russian aggression against the Ukrainian people and the state as a whole.

— First, we began to interact much better with each other. Second, tasks began to be defined more precisely, taking into account all the tricks that the enemy uses against us. And the third is the unwavering support of every Ukrainian, everyone who supports the Defense Forces of Ukraine, everyone who donates, the military officer explained.

He thanked each of the Ukrainians for their contribution to the joint victory, noting that government programs allowed drone operators to receive more drones on the front lines, but the contributions of Ukrainians are also extremely important.

— At the expense of state programs, objectively, we began to receive more drones. But the constant support of the Ukrainian nation makes it possible to have the minimum balance that is critically necessary in order to intensively destroy the enemy and prevent him from reaching our advanced positions, he said.

As analysts of the DeepState project reported, about 40 units of equipment were moving in the direction of Kolesnykyvka and at least 9 more in the direction of Kruglyakivka.

They noted that such a mechanized assault is an atypical phenomenon, because previously the enemy acted in infantry groups.

DeepState suggested that this could indicate that the Russians had given the site some priority. “It is expected that they will try again to repeat such a massive assault, because this attempt failed.”

In reporting on the achievements of the “Achilles” battalion, ArmyInform showed how the unit’s drones destroyed a rare Russian 2C5 “Hyacinth-S” self-propelled gun, the flying “Achilles” shot down more than one and a half dozen long-range Russian reconnaissance UAVs Zala, Supercam and “Orlan”, long-range “Sholomosayny” “Achilles” hit exactly under the turret of a Russian tank and defeated “Grad” in Belgorod region, all-seeing “Achilles” saw and eliminated the invaders in Kharkiv region with the help of Stymphalian birds, and “Achilles” shot down a full tank of enemy equipment in Kharkiv region.

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