September 27, 2024
The ruling party of Georgia launched an advertisement in which it scares the consequences of the aggression of the Russian Federation in Ukraine thumbnail

The ruling party of Georgia launched an advertisement in which it scares the consequences of the aggression of the Russian Federation in Ukraine

As part of the pre-election campaign, the ruling party of Georgia “Georgian Dream” produced banners with photos of the destruction caused by Russia in Ukraine and, in contrast, “normal life” in Georgia. Banners began to be used on September 26 in Tbilisi and other cities.”, — write:

As part of the pre-election campaign, the ruling party of Georgia “Georgian Dream” produced banners with photos of the destruction caused by Russia in Ukraine and, in contrast, “normal life” in Georgia. Banners began to be used on September 26 in Tbilisi and other cities.

Source: “European Truth” with reference to Georgian mass media, including the portals “Georgia Online” and SOVA

Details: This is a series of the same type of posters and a video, where whole Georgian cities, fountains and new buses are contrasted with the footage of the destruction in Ukraine.


The signatures on the banners call on voters to “choose peace” and “say no to war.” In some places, a part of the poster with a photo of the destruction is supplemented with numbers in the election lists of opposition pro-Western parties.

President Salome Zurabishvili was among the first to react to the new “Dreams” campaign.

“I have never seen anything so shameful, so insulting to our culture, traditions, history and faith… What a worthless thing it is to hang up for your people a poster made in the KGB forges without dignity and shame,” Zurabishvili was indignant.

The day before, the Georgian delegation at the UN General Assembly did not join the applause of a large part of the audience when US President Joe Biden spoke about the need to continue supporting Ukraine. It also became known that Kobakhidze’s invitation to Biden’s reception for foreign leaders was canceled.

We will remind: Parliamentary elections in Georgia will be held on October 26 and for the first time – without a majoritarian system, which increases the opposition’s chances of success.

Read also, how the Georgian authorities remove responsibility for the 2008 war from the Russian Federation, and what does Ukraine have to do with it

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