September 27, 2024
Gazprom dropped out of the top 100 largest Russian companies by profits thumbnail

Gazprom dropped out of the top 100 largest Russian companies by profits

In the annual ranking of the largest Russian companies by net profit published by Forbes, the leader of 2023 — “Gazprom” — not only lost its position in 2024, but also failed to enter the first hundred. ”, — write:

In the annual ranking of the largest Russian companies by the size of net profit published by Forbes, the leader of 2023 – “Gazprom” – not only lost its position in 2024, but also failed to enter the first hundred.

About this writes Russian publication The Moscow Times.

For the first time in 25 years, Gazprom closed 2023 with a loss of 629 billion rubles, while a year earlier its profit was 1.23 trillion rubles.

According to an internal report prepared for the company’s management, it will not be possible to restore gas exports to the previous level in the next ten years.

It is expected that by 2035, the volume of exports will average only 50-75 billion cubic meters per year – about a third of the figures that preceded Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

The main reason for Gazprom’s losses was a sharp decrease in gas production and supplies to Europe, caused by sanctions imposed on Russia due to the attack on Ukraine.

In 2023, the company’s gas production decreased to 404 billion cubic meters – this is the lowest level since 1990. The volume of deliveries abroad amounted to only 69 billion cubic meters, which was the lowest figure since 1985.

Only 28 billion cubic meters of gas were exported to Europe, which corresponds to the level of the late 1970s.

The share of “Gazprom” in the European market decreased by three times – from 45% to 15%.

We will remind:

At least 19 companies from 11 European countries submitted lawsuits against Gazprom due to violations of gas contracts, and their total amount reached 18.6 billion euros, or 20.6 billion dollars.

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