September 27, 2024
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs reacted to the manipulative advertising of the ruling party of Georgia about the war in Ukraine thumbnail

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs reacted to the manipulative advertising of the ruling party of Georgia about the war in Ukraine

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine in its statement regarding the advertising banners of the ruling party of Georgia “Georgian Dream” condemned and called the use of images of the consequences of Russia’s war against Ukraine in political advertising unacceptable.”, — write:

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine in its statement regarding the advertising banners of the ruling party of Georgia “Georgian Dream” condemned and called the use of images of the consequences of Russia’s war against Ukraine in political advertising unacceptable.

Source: “European Truth” with reference to the statement of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Details: The Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated that the Georgian people may not be afraid of a new war as long as Ukraine resists Russian aggression.


Literally: “The terrible price of this resistance is also the price of peace in Georgia. We call on the Government of Georgia, the ruling party “Georgian Dream” and all interested parties to refrain from using the theme of an aggressive war against Ukraine and its citizens in the internal political struggle in Georgia.”

More details: The Ministry of Foreign Affairs noted that Ukraine will consistently, steadfastly and resolutely continue to support the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Georgia within its internationally recognized borders, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs emphasized.

They also expressed hope that the parliamentary elections in Georgia will be held in a peaceful and democratic manner, and that the Georgian people will continue the strategic course of joining the EU and NATO.

We will remind: As part of the pre-election campaign, the ruling party of Georgia “Georgian Dream” produced banners with photos of the destruction caused by Russia in Ukraine and, in contrast, “normal life” in Georgia.

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