September 27, 2024
In the Kharkiv region, a modular dispensary was opened instead of the one destroyed by the Russians thumbnail
Ukraine News Today

In the Kharkiv region, a modular dispensary was opened instead of the one destroyed by the Russians

In the Kharkiv region, a new modular primary care clinic was opened, which replaced the clinic destroyed by the Russians.”, — write:

In the Kharkiv region, a new modular primary care clinic was opened, which replaced the clinic destroyed by the Russians.

About this reports the Ministry of Health, Ukrinform reports.

“A new modular primary care clinic was opened in the village of Tsyrkuna, Kharkiv region. This facility replaced the clinic in Liptsy, Kharkiv region, which was destroyed during an attack earlier this year. It is a large modular primary care facility with four patient rooms and other technical facilities “, the message says.

It is noted that the new modular clinic will serve internally displaced persons (IDPs) who were evacuated or resettled from areas of intense hostilities in the Kharkiv region.

Five medical workers will work in the clinic. Together with another modular clinic installed earlier this year in the village, both facilities will serve about 12,000 patients.

The outpatient clinic was established as part of the partnership between the Ministry of Health of Ukraine and the World Health Organization in order to provide patients with access to the necessary medical services despite the full-scale war.

The clinic is equipped with necessary facilities including electricity, sanitary facilities, waiting rooms and patient examination rooms. In addition, the new dispensary is ready to work in blackout conditions and is autonomous.

As noted by the Ministry of Health, this clinic is one of 23 modular divisions of the WHO working in regions affected by the war in Ukraine. Each clinic can be set up in 10-14 days and is a long-term solution with a lifespan of over 10 years. The modular units are integrated into the health care system of Ukraine in order to effectively respond to the challenges and consequences of a full-scale war.

Read also: By the end of the year, about 40 mobile phones will work in eight regions of Ukraine ambulatoryiy – WHO Modular clinics are a WHO response and recovery project in Ukraine that offers an immediate and long-term solution to an acute problem. As part of the project, modular institutions have already been established in Kherson region, Kharkiv region, Sumy region, Mykolaiv region and Donetsk region. The installation of the last unit was made possible with the support of the European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Office (ECHO).

As reported by Ukrinform, in one of the medical facilities of the Kherson region set up an “underground hospital”.

Photo: Ministry of Health

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