September 27, 2024
The government should allow enterprises in the combat zone to reserve 100% of workers, - the top manager of "Interpipe" thumbnail

The government should allow enterprises in the combat zone to reserve 100% of workers, – the top manager of “Interpipe”

In his opinion, for industrial enterprises in cities located in combat zones, a different logic should work regarding the procedure for booking employees.”, — write:

In his opinion, for industrial enterprises in cities located in combat zones, a different logic should work regarding the procedure for booking employees.

The government should allow enterprises in the war zone to book 100% of workers, - the top manager of One of the enterprises of the “Interpipe” company / photo UNIAN, Serhiy DiveevThe Government of Ukraine should allow the reservation of 100% of the personnel of enterprises that are officially included in the list of territories of active hostilities and recognized as critical for the country’s economy. This opinion was expressed by the first deputy general director of the company “Interpipe” Denys Morozov.

“For industrial enterprises in cities that are located in combat zones, a different logic should work regarding the procedure for booking employees. It should be possible to book not 50% of the staff, as is allowed now, but the entire staff,” he said during the “Ukrainian” conference export. The window opens?”, which took place in Kyiv on September 25.

As an example, he gave the pipe plant “Interpipe Niko Tube”, which is located in the city of Nikopol, which is officially recognized as a zone of active hostilities, as it is subjected to daily shelling by the Russian army from the left bank of the Dnipro River.

“Because of these shellings, few people remained to work in Nikopol. And those who remained are real heroes. They work, produce products, ensure the operation of the entire enterprise, which has already returned to pre-war production volumes. Therefore, the current system of booking half of the employees in such cities, like Nikopol, it doesn’t work,” Morozov emphasized.

We will remind, according to the president of OP “Ukrmetalurgprom” Oleksandr Kalenkov, at all enterprises of the mining and metallurgical complex of Ukraine, which are recognized as critically important for the economy, an average of 20% of workers are mobilized.

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