September 27, 2024
The SBI discovered new hidden property of Medvedchuk and Kozak's relatives thumbnail

The SBI discovered new hidden property of Medvedchuk and Kozak’s relatives

The court seized and handed over to the ARMA administration a new batch of property of the Betonbud enterprise, which its owners – brothers of former People’s Deputies Viktor Medvedchuk and Taras Kozak hid from the fiscal authorities. This is reported by the press services of the State Bureau of Investigation and the Office of the Prosecutor General. The law enforcement officers established that the balance sheet of the enterprise, which the SDB transferred to the state administration, contained unaccounted-for property: a hangar for”, — write on:

The court seized and handed over to the ARMA administration a new batch of property of the Betonbud enterprise, which its owners – brothers of former People’s Deputies Viktor Medvedchuk and Taras Kozak hid from the fiscal authorities.

This is reported by the press services of the State Bureau of Investigation and the Office of the Prosecutor General.

The law enforcement officers established that the balance sheet of the enterprise, which the SDB handed over to the state administration, contained unaccounted-for property: a hangar for bulk materials, equipment for the production of concrete, a warehouse and an office space. The total value of the discovered property is almost UAH 16 million.

According to the investigation, the enterprise of the brothers of ex-deputies for the manufacture of bricks in the Lviv region evaded paying taxes. For this purpose, the financial and reporting documentation displayed inaccurate information on the volumes of manufactured and sold products, which were actually several times larger than the officially documented amount. As a result, the state budget did not receive more than UAH 75 million in taxes.

It will be recalled that the National Agency for Search and Asset Management (ARMA) sold part of Viktor Medvedchuk’s watch collection at the second online auction. 3.3 million hryvnias were recovered from sales.

Previously, the Agency for Search and Asset Management (ARMA) on the first day of the auction sold eight watches from the arrested collection of ex-Deputy Viktor Medvedchuk. The total amount received from the sale is almost 3.6 million hryvnias.

In addition, ARMA announced competitions for the manager and appraiser of the Medvedchuk dacha. It is located in the Carpathians.

All insider information and current information on our Telegram channel, as well as bonuses and breaking news.

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