September 27, 2024
Zelensky held a meeting with the Prime Minister of Britain: what was discussed thumbnail

Zelensky held a meeting with the Prime Minister of Britain: what was discussed

The President of Ukraine held a meeting with British Prime Minister Keir Starmer. They discussed the main challenges in the Russian-Ukrainian war. Keir Starmer believes that the next weeks and months will be decisive, the press service of the President’s Office reports. Keir Starmer noted that he met with Zelenskyi to discuss the challenges facing Ukraine and to reaffirm his unwavering support. “And also to be able to discuss what still needs to happen”, — write on:

The President of Ukraine held a meeting with British Prime Minister Keir Starmer. They discussed the main challenges in the Russian-Ukrainian war.

Keir Starmer believes that the next weeks and months will be decisive, the press service of the President’s Office reports.

Keir Starmer noted that he met with Zelenskyi to discuss the challenges facing Ukraine and to reaffirm his unwavering support.

“And also to be able to discuss what still needs to be done because these weeks and months are becoming crucial,” he said.

The main topics of the parties’ negotiations were the security situation and the strengthening of Ukraine, in particular thanks to new defense support.

In addition, the interlocutors paid attention to the implementation of the bilateral security agreement, the implementation of the “peace formula”, preparations for the second Peace Summit, cooperation within the Ukraine-NATO framework and progress in the negotiations on the signing of the agreement on the transition to a stronger and deeper partnership.

In addition, President Volodymyr Zelenskyi held a meeting with the President of the European Council, Charles Michel

Earlier, Alain Berse, who became the new Secretary General of the Council of Europe on September 18, called the support of Ukraine, a member state of this organization, his “number one priority”.

All insider information and current information on our Telegram channel, as well as bonuses and breaking news.

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