September 27, 2024
"Burdens the world economy": China voiced three demands at the UN regarding the "Ukrainian crisis" thumbnail

“Burdens the world economy”: China voiced three demands at the UN regarding the “Ukrainian crisis”

Beijing is indignant that the “Ukrainian crisis” has a negative impact on the world economy, so it is necessary to simply stop shooting and remove all sanctions from the aggressor.”, — write:

Beijing is indignant that the “Ukrainian crisis” has a negative impact on the world economy, so it is necessary to simply stop shooting and remove all sanctions from the aggressor.

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi at the UN Security Council meeting / screenshotChinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi at the UN Security Council meeting / screenshotChina insists that Ukraine and Russia immediately cease fire and sit down at the negotiating table. China also opposes anti-Russian sanctions. Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi stated this at the meeting of the UN Security Council.

He began his speech by calling Russia’s full-scale aggression the “Ukrainian crisis” and emphasized the suffering of the civilian population:

All parties should prioritize peace and people and should be genuinely committed to promoting peace talks.

He emphasized that, first of all, it is necessary to stop hostilities in order to prevent the expansion of the conflict zone. In particular, Wang Yi emphasized the inadmissibility of using nuclear weapons, attacks on nuclear power plants and civilian infrastructure in general. He also criticized the supply of weapons to warring countries.

Secondly, the representative of China emphasized the need for urgent dialogue and negotiations.

“Dialogue and negotiations are the only viable way to resolve the crisis in Ukraine. If peace talks cannot be started day after day, then there will be miscalculations and miscalculations, which will lead to an even bigger crisis,” Wang Yi said.

Thirdly, the head of the Chinese Foreign Ministry warned “against the spillover of the crisis” to the world economy. In particular, he called for refraining from sanctions and blocking certain areas of world trade.

“The consequences of the crisis in Ukraine have further burdened the world economy. Many countries of the Global South have been seriously affected, which makes it difficult to achieve the UN’s 2030 agenda for sustainable development. Neither side should create a crisis and justify the abuse of illegal unilateral sanctions and suppress normal business activities, to further divide the world by creating various exclusive groups,” said Wang Yi.

At the same time, the diplomat assured that China’s position on the war in Ukraine remains consistent.

“The sovereignty and territorial integrity of all countries must be respected. The goals and principles of the UN Charter must be fulfilled. The legitimate security concerns of all countries must be taken seriously, and it is also important to support all initiatives aimed at resolving this crisis,” Wang Yi said. .

The autumn session of the UN General Assembly: the latest newsAs UNIAN wrote, Turkish President Recep Erdogan, speaking at the UN, announced increasing efforts to end the Russian-Ukrainian war through diplomacy and dialogue, but on the basis of Ukraine’s territorial integrity and sovereignty. He also emphasized the ineffectiveness of the UN and called for the reform of the organization, in particular its Security Council.

We also reported that Volodymyr Zelenskyi, speaking at a meeting of the UN Security Council, warned about Russia’s plans to strike Ukrainian nuclear power plants.

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